Microdiscectomy | Operation for Slipped Disc

Microdiscectomy | Operation for Slipped Disc

slipped disc surgery Singapore - Microdiscectomy
Explanation about slipped disc and the cause of the pain. Spinal cord is compressed and slipped disc surgery Singapore helps remove the compression and stops the pain.

Slipped disc can be very painful. The typical symptom is pain radiating to the leg with sudden onset. The diagnosis is confirmed with physical examination and MRI scan. Slipped disc surgery (microdiscectomy) can help overcome the pain.

Microdiscectomy is an operation to remove the slipped disc and to free up the nerve. This operation is done with a small incision. The vision during the operation is enhanced using the help of microscope. This operation has a high success rate. The leg pain can disappear or become significantly better immediately after the surgery.

If you have any questions about slipped disc or microdiscectomy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Author: Dr Tony Setiobudi BMedSci, MBBS, MRCS, MMed (Ortho), FRCS (Ortho), Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon, Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Orchard), Singapore


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