By Dr Tony Setiobudi BMedSci, MBBS, MRCS, MMed (Ortho), FRCS (Ortho)

Iliopsoas Syndrome, also known as psoas syndrome, is a very rare condition. It is often misdiagnosed due to its unspecific symptomatology. Iliopsoas Syndrome is an inflammatory response in the bursa located under the iliopsoas muscle. The bursa are small, fluid-filled sacs that lie between bones and soft tissues. They reduce friction and provide cushioning to allow tendons, muscles and other structures to glide. While the iliopsoas muscle are a group of two muscles located toward the front of the inner hip.


The iliopsoas is often misdiagnosed by most people and doctors, and it is difficult for most to describe the pain location other than the lower back.


Iliopsoas syndrome is most commonly caused by a overuse. It is considered as a source of pain in athletes. However it also affects office workers or anyone who spends much of their day sitting. The syndrome is thought to be prevalent in certain sports including soccer, dance, and hockey. These are at higher risk for the condition due to the nature of their activities.

Other risk factors include:

It can affect people of all ages, but it is common among women and the elderly.


Iliopsoas syndrome is a rare condition, and the symptoms can mimic other more serious conditions. It is important to consult with us to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Dr Tony Setiobudi is an Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Orchard), Singapore. He treats bone, joint, muscle and ligament problems in adults and children. He has a special interest in nerve compression and spine problems such as back & neck pain, scoliosis, kyphosis, spine tumor & infection, spinal cord injury, osteoporosis fracture, spinal stenosis and slipped disc.