Back pain is one of the most common health problems among all the population of the world. People can suffer from different forms of back pain which in turn can lead to chronic backpain, lower back pain or spinal pain. It is important to get your chronic backpain taken care of before it gets worse. Preventing chronic back pain before it begins starts with doing all that you can to reduce your risk for a future back injury.
There are several key factors that could significantly increase the risk for developing back pain over time. Some factors are unavoidable such as age, genes, or sex. However, knowing the different risk factors to change your lifestyle that may lessen back pain or help you to cope with it better.
Having a job that requires activities increase the likelihood of future back problems, such as lifting, pulling, pushing, bending, repetitive motion patterns and heavy physical exertion, can lead to injury and back pain. Long distance driver who always sitting behind the steer for prolong of time with vibration
Certain jobs and activities put a greater strain on your back. Working at desk all day which involves prolonged periods of sitting can contribute to pain, especially poor posture or sitting in a chair with not enough back support.
Smoking may not directly cause back pain, but it increases your risk of developing low back pain. Smoking accelerates degeneration of the lower spine. Nicotine restricts blood flow to vertebrae and disks, so they may age and break down more quickly. Smoking may also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and use calcium, leading to osteoporosis- related bone and back problems. Smoking also slows healing and prolongs pain. Smokers are also much more likely than nonsmokers to develop chronic, disabling back pain.
Body weight alone (along with your height and general build) appears to have little to do with your likelihood of developing back pain in the first place. However, being overweight, obese can put stress on the joints and pressure on the vertebrae and discs and lead to low back pain. Individuals who have extra weight also showcase signs of a lack of physical activity.
Despite your parents’ admonition to “sit up straight,” experts now agree that, in most cases, posture alone, whether bad or good, will neither predispose you to back pain nor shield you from it. Slouching doesn’t seem to have much effect on the basic health of your spine. But before you slump down in your chair, note that poor posture can worsen existing pain. Improving your body mechanics can help relieve your symptoms and prevent flare-ups Being physically out of condition is an important reason people have recurring bouts of the “sprain and strain” type of back pain.
A study published in Arthritis Care and Research suggest that people who suffer from depression have a 60% greater chance of developing back pain in their lifetime than those who don’t. Stress, anxiety, and negative emotions can influence how closely one focuses on their pain as well as their perception of its severity.
Part of the answer may lie in the fact that chronic pain and depression share some of the same biochemical features. Imbalances in the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, for example, play a role in mood disorders such as depression and also are involved in producing the sensation of pain. This could explain why people suffering from depression tend to experience more severe and long-lasting pain than other people.
Anxiety and depression can also sensitize you to pain, making you feel worse. So can the disturbed sleep that often accompanies depression and anxiety. Fortunately, you can often address psychological influences on back pain with cognitive behavioral therapy, where a counselor helps you recognize negative thoughts, behaviors, and feelings and respond in a more positive way.
Dr Tony Setiobudi is an Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Orchard), Singapore.